6 Tips for Winter Hiking with a Baby

There are so many reasons to keep getting outside in winter, especially with your kids. The trails are quieter, the views are spectacular, and if you want to catch sunrise or sunset, they’re at a more sociable hour. It can also be really fun for little kids if they love snow! Winter walking with a baby can also be a little more challenging as you need to keep them happy when it’s cold, dark and if conditions change quickly. There’s a lot more to think about than when it’s just you alone or with another adult, so we wanted to share some tips and advice for winter hiking with a baby or toddler to inspire you to keep getting outside through the colder months:

Check the weather — the first tip is probably the most obvious and it’s simply to check the weather forecast. Particular things to look out for in winter are wind speed and wind chill as this can make it really uncomfortable for a little one in a backpack. Personally, I wouldn’t go up high if the wind speed was higher than 15mph and the wind chill lower than freezing. We use Met Office, MWIS and Mountain Forecast for accurate weather forecast in wild places.

Dress in layers — gear is so important to ensure you and your little one stay warm and therefore enjoy your adventures. Having good quality layers is really important and we opt for a three layer system consisting of merino wool base layers, a fleece or wool mid-layer and then an insulated and/or waterproof outer layer. As well as that, we wear gloves, buffs, hats and wool socks. But, all of these layers don’t have to cost the earth. You can pick up some bargains on Vinted, Facebook Marketplace or by borrowing from friends. Check out our recent reel for the gear we recommend.

Choose appropriate footwear — shoes are really important in winter as conditions on the trail can be a bit more technical. Make sure you have good footwear appropriate for the trail. You may also need to bring micro-spikes or crampons in icy or snowy conditions. We love the Vivobarefoot winter boots for ourselves and our toddler. We also recommend using walking poles, especially if carrying a little one, for added stability.

Check sunset times — daylight hours are shorter throughout winter so ensure you check what time the sun sets so you’re not out walking in the dark. You might also want to be somewhere beautiful for sunset — if so, make sure you bring a head torch for the journey back to your car.

Carry essentials — ensure you’re carrying a paper map as well as digital map/GPS, first aid kit, emergency shelter, head torch and plenty of food and water for all the family. We recommend a hot drink on the trail to warm yourselves up!

Know your limits — for us, the purpose of walking in winter as a family is to keep getting outside for our mental health and to enjoy the beautiful conditions. It isn’t about achieving any big goals or reaching big summits. Bear in mind the limits of all the family when you’re out in winter. Stay safe and have fun!